Use "loll|lolled|lolling|lolls" in a sentence

1. The dog's tongue lolled out.

2. The dog let its tongue loll out.

3. Do stand up straight, don't loll about like that!

4. His head lolled forward in his sleep.

5. He lolled and lolloped about after school.

6. The two lovers were lolling about the beach.

7. He lolled back in his chair.

8. He was lolling in an armchair.

9. My head lolled against his shoulder.

10. The Bleepers: lerdleposh? Kipper: loll - i pops

11. They lolled and lolloped about day after day.

12. The child lolled about on the bed.

13. He lolled back in his comfortable chair.

14. You shouldn't have so many guests in front loll out tongue.

15. Just loll there: quiet dusk: let everything rip.

16. Don't loll about in the street after school.

17. Next time don't loll out your tongue out.

18. When he let go the head lolled sideways.

19. He lolled back in his chair by the fire.

20. The dog lolled its tongue out in hot weather.

21. There were several kids lolling around outside the club.

22. Tongue lolling, the dog came lolloping back from the forest.

23. Besotted A Besotted swell, grinning fatuously in his top hat, lolls semiconscious in his carriage

24. She closed her eyes and allowed her head to loll back against the pillow.

25. Jim should get a job instead of lolling around the house all day.

26. If it rained they lolled in the library, playing cards and backgammon.

27. He was lolling on the sofa in the shadows near the fire.

28. They loll about in gorgeousness; they live for art; they believe in excess.

29. I spent most of the weekend lolling about/around on the beach.

30. Immediately contrite, Mike crouched by Adam and lifted his head: it lolled sideways.

31. He hung there like a discarded marionette, arms Adroop, knees buckled, head lolling forward.

32. Had I dreamt up Mr Fry lolling there in the rectangle of the doorway?

33. Synonyms for Basked include lounged, relaxed, lied, lolled, lazed, sprawled, sunbathed, loafed, reclined and reposed

34. Antonyms for Bustled include crawled, crept, creeped, poked, ambled, idled, lazed, loafed, loitered and lolled

35. Their union was accompanied by the male's hoarse wheezing while his tongue lolled from his mouth.

36. Arco spokesman Scott Loll said 55 customers' cars broke down after pumping the regular, unleaded gasoline.

37. Her smooth tongue, gleaming, lolled. Sheer terror shadowed her indented eyes, and yet never would she be caught.

38. A huge, beautiful collie in his luxuriant prime, mouth gaping, tongue lolling[sentencedict .com], eyes staring lifelessly at nothing.

39. Various members of the cast were lolling about the Green Room, in various stages of shell-shock.

40. Everyone on the site seemed to be out of doors, pottering round their tiny gardens, or lolling on the parched grass.

41. If she sat beside him her head would loll on to his shoulder and stay there for long moments.

42. All around the pool Aglisten from every cascading rock skittered hindlegged creatures, all blackbead eyes lolling springlike this now that

43. Croaker An ominous figure, hands bound before him and his head lolling obscenely to one side on a broken neck, hovers forward

44. Seated on top of it was a fluffy white dog, its red tongue grotesquely hanging out, its head lolling to the side.

45. Romeo and Juliet : 'this drivelling love is like a great natural, that runs lolling up and down to hide his Bawble in a hole '.

46. 16 At lunchtime we streaked through Elkhorn Slough, a salt marsh reserve near Monterey,[] where egrets preened and massive sea lions lolled in the mud.

47. You can loll with the students from the International University on the steps of the Cathedral or amble down the broad pedestrian way from those steps to sit on a bench at the other end and watch as the Umbrian hills dissolve into a twilight vision that is the landscape behind the Mona Lisa. The more energetic can hike out to St. Angelo's in the northwest of the city, where sixteen ancient columns form the centrepiece of a brick church that glows with the light from garnet windows on a site that has been sacred from the times of the Etruscans.